15 October 2006

Kazakhstani Perspective on Bush

My assignment for blogging this week (from my professor) was to find someone not originally from the US and ask them about his perspective of America. I met a couple from Kazakhstan on the beach in Singapore this weekend and after bumpin' the volleyball around for a bit, we started talking and the topic shifted to Bush. After they asked me what I thought about him as our president, I asked them what they thought about him and what he's doing. They said that they could only base their thoughts off of what they saw on the news and told me that he's portrayed very negatively across the globe by the media as a whole. They said that everything he does is criticized. The main thing they mentioned was how the media pokes fun at the way President Bush talks. The idea that this was the prim
ary thing they told me seemed ridiculous. How low can you go? I mean, think about it: The media really must be desparate to come up with a reason to bash Bush if not being the best public speaker is the number one thing that audiences come away with for why he's doing a bad job.

In all though, the couple seemed relatively indifferent.

Anyway, that's a international perspective on America's president.


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