30 August 2006

Incredible View of Hong Kong Island

So after having a meeting with Dr Iga (the visiting professor from Pepperdine) and Bonnie (my fellow RA) about the plan for the semester, I got to talk to my mom and sister for the first time on Skype...by the way, if you have a Skype account, we can talk for free (my name on Skype is 'jonhipp). It was great (and if you have a webcam we can see each other).

That night we (Yichieh, Andrew and Dr Iga) decided to hit up the city and take the bus to Tsim Sham Tsui in Kowloon, to the water's edge and have a look at Hong Kong Island. It was the most incredible thing I have witnessed first-hand in my life. It was simply astonishing. We spent some time along the railings soaking it all in and anticipating the trip we would take over there on Saturday. Unbelievable...

After spending a significant amount of time with our jaws on the sidewalk, we brushed off our chins and started walking towards one of the malls in the area. The malls here are massive. You would not believe it. There are hallways lined with shop after shop farther than the eye can see - literally. This one was no different.

After walking the extent of the closed shopping mall at 2300 hours, we reboarded bus #3C. Now this was truly an experience. The buses are double deckers and seem like a roller coaster! To get the full experience, you need to ride on the upper level at the very front; sometimes it seemed as though we were going to either run over some locals or hit the walls - it was craziness!

Can't wait to ride it during the daylight hours...


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